The Beacon
Published three times a year – Winter, Spring, and a Conference issue. The preferred way to submit articles is via e-mail to Please submit as .rtf or send hard copy can be mailed to Susan Bobey, 3395 West 158 Street, Cleveland, OH 44111. All copy is subject to editing.
The Business Technology Educator
A refereed journal published annually. Manuscripts of varying lengths are accepted, with 2,500 words being an approximate guideline. Submission deadline for the September 2017 journal is July 15, 2017. Authors will receive complete information by contacting the editor, Mr. Matt White, 111 E 19th St, Covington, KY 41014. E-mail address is
Manuscripts for The Ohio Business Technology Educator are now being accepted. Authors should note that articles in the journal may also be published on the Web. All manuscripts must be submitted no later than July 15, 2017, for consideration for the next issue. Manuscripts may vary in length; however, the typical manuscript is approximately 2,500 words. Manuscripts, in Microsoft Word, must be submitted both electronically (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file format) as well as in hard copy form.
Topics of the manuscripts may be related to a variety of areas concerned with education for business. The discipline’s status, teaching and learning, research, curriculum, methods, computers and technology, and administration are frequent topics; articles should fit general categories of theory, research, and/or practice. All artwork should be submitted on disk in camera-ready format for duplication. Each piece of art should be printed on a separate sheet of paper for submission with the hard copy document.
The latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) should be followed. For the purpose of these manuscripts, either the 5th edition or the 6th edition of the manual may be followed.
This is a scholarly, refereed journal. Manuscripts will be reviewed, evaluated, and possibly accepted for publication. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be returned to the author (or first-listed author on a coauthored manuscript). The committee, under the direction of the Editor, consists of secondary school educators from Ohio, postsecondary educators, and other important professionals.
Attach to the manuscript your complete name, title, position, school or agency name and address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Provide complete information for all coauthors.
Please submit manuscripts or direct questions to:
Matt White
111 E 19th St
Covington, KY 41014
(614) 579-0870 (mobile)